Brie Linkenhoker
Brie is the founder of Worldview Studio. Previously she
led Worldview Stanford, which pioneered
interdisciplinary, multimedia learning experiences at
Stanford University, and led strategy and scenario
projects with Global Business Network (GBN) and
Monitor. She holds a PhD in neuroscience, an MA in
international policy studies (both from Stanford
University), and a BA in psychology (Transylvania
Nancy Murphy
Nancy is director of content and collaborations at
Worldview Studio. She spent five years directing
experience design and communications at Worldview
Stanford and 20 years in leadership roles at Global
Business Network, including CMO, editor-in-chief, and
head of the membership business. She earned a BA in
political science (Wellesley College) and an MS (Arizona
State University).
Juli Sherry
Juli is director of design at Worldview Studio and was
design lead of UX and educational media at Worldview
Stanford. She holds a BS in computer graphics and
animation, technical design (DePaul University), and an
MBA in design strategy (California College of the Arts).
She works across the built environment, learning
experiences, communications, technology, and strategy.
Ali Fell
Ali is Worldview Studio’s production manager, and was
Worldview Stanford’s project manager and social media
specialist. Her prior experience includes marketing,
branding, and communication at technology companies.
She holds a BA in visual arts (University of California-San
Diego), and an MFA in commercial photography
(Academy of Art).
Lisa Weaklim
Lisa is Worldview Studio's video producer. Her areas of
expertise are in conceiving, shooting, and editing
research-based videos. She has spent multiple years as a
producer and creative partner at Spillsheat Media and
co-owner/sound engineer at Anagram Sound Studio.
Lisa also has over 15 years of project management
experience and holds a BBA in Marketing Management
(Stetson University).
Guillaume Riesen
Guillaume is Worldview Studio's Science Engagement
Designer. He works to connect people with ideas
through exciting and interactive experiences. His
educational YouTube channel has nearly 4 million views
and he has designed materials for museums and
Universities. He holds a BS in Cognitive Neuroscience
(Brown University) and a PhD in Neuroscience (Stanford